Monday, March 09, 2009

That'll Do, Donkey, That'll Do

[Update 2009-03-13: Our team received notification yesterday that we Passed this project.]

I completed my Group Discussion and Written Project for my SANS Masters program while at SANS 2009 last week. I'm pretty sure the grade will be good, but I won't know for another week or so.

Seth Misenar and Tim Proffitt were my tiger teammates for an assignment that involved researching detective and preventive measures for Downadup/Conficker. We had 24 hours to do the work and present to the ficticious CIO (played by Stephen Northcutt) of GIAC Enterprises. Seth did an excellent job of presenting, but in the end we were "fired" by the CIO because we commented that he had gotten "too excited" about the possibility of his email being infected.

Later in the week we were asked to present again. It was suggested that we should rotate the role of presenter, so I volunteered. We presented a 2nd time on March 7th, and after we were done, Stephen Northcutt didn't say anything.

I got a little nervous at that point and asked, "Do you have any questions? Or any feedback?"

Stephen's response was a simple: "No."

After a little more prodding he added, "I don't even have any recommendations. You nailed it."

Ah.... sweet success. :-)

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