Thursday, May 25, 2006

Soap Box: Greedy Music Moguls

I think the artists are awesome. I think they are creative, work really hard, and often want to make the world a better place. The music labels and the RIAA, on the other hand, boil my blood.

I was looking at some statistics on how much was being made for them via iTunes, and how much they felt they should be making from music sales overall. Their reaction: Waaah! People aren't generating enough revenue in music sales for us. My reaction: Egads! These jerks should feel lucky that they are making as much as they are. They point out that 99 cent downloads don't earn as much for them as a $15 CD does. Ummm... Duh! That is exactly why people are buying those downloads. I always hated buying a CD full of songs I didn't care about just to get the two or three that I wanted. I think most people feel this way -- at least about a portion of the artists whose music they like.

I think these music execs need to crawl on hands-and-knees over to Steve Jobs and thank him profusely. While they are at it, they should send a little gratitude my way. I'm sick of listening to them disparage us all for not buying more overpriced music we didn't want anyway. :-p

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